I got several calls and text last night out of no where, with no promting. "RaNelle what ever happens don't spiral emotionally, and dont get distracted by some one elses DRAMA stay the course". Interesting they had no idea of what I am going through, or do they know the other that also sent me a message. Actually I am at great peace but they know the spirit and sense a storm. I listened with the spirit and trust them.
Its seems as though we all have in some form a act playing out in our lives somewhere. It cant be avoided its a part of the human experience. It is this very nature that the first writings were done, in hopes to explain the stories we all play out.
I cant help but realize this fact every time I go to Barnes and Nobles I look across the store, an estimated thirty thousand books are published every month. That does not include private distribution, you can triple that number. It is in our attempts to record the journeys that lead us through some of the most interesting tells that cover every area of emotions and interest. You would think with all of the many years and history we would have every answer to solve lifes mysteries and world peace.
My gosh! I remember the first book I read in school, I still have it.
See Jane, see Jane go, these where the first words I read. It is hard for me to express the importance that books have played in our lives and how quickly we forget.
Now as the world is winding up some of the most dramatic scenes ever inacted, we need to know that there are solutions, with the knowledge that is out there and most importantly from above.
We can know that as we travel and move along it is vital that during the day we need to stop and contemplate on where we are on our road map, many have traveled similar paths, maybe we need to look at another map. Is it important for us to pick up our pace, or slow down.
We most reflect on where we are going, what needs to be handled and how to direct our life. The world now more then ever before is being hit with so much DRAMA!!! and it is for us to remain on the course we were brought here to do. The compass lies deep within our souls the messages so soft and gentle that it takes silencing all the world and its trappings to prepare for the next steps.
We could stop and look at the view, breath deeply, silence our soul in prayer and direction from the one who stands on top as he echoes in our ears, and march forward with greater resolve to become stronger.
Remember you never know how many people are watching and observing your journey the top or those who are taking the hike with you.Or do you care way to much about what other think about it. Are there stragglers and is it your job to assist, are you suppose to lead, lend a hand, carry the load, receive instruction to deliver to another.
Examine where you have been, what you have learned, the pot holes you fell in and are you still falling in them. Have you wondered in a circle? Has the rain and the sunshine, the loss of those along the way. The tired and weary body that carried you this far, and how did you find your strength? What was important and are you living by your word, are you doing the path or did you get distracted and got off the trail and became lost and alone. Are you standing with a group of others in a mud puddle, and mud being flung at you but you cant get out until you have had the last fling, and how to get them. Is your life in bondage and in chains because it was easier to follow someone else who thinks they know whats best for you. That cant make it with out there leash around your neck. After all if you get lost its not your fault, they lead you right? Or have you cried over your journey and simply want to stop, Did you look up and see the top, and rejuvenate your hope for the Ascension. Have you just given up and followed the single rank line, looking down on the back feet and just taking each step the same way as the last at least after all the I cant get lost they seem to know the way, just follow. Have you done what your parents have always done? Did you laugh, sing enjoy the company, or complain about the hardship.
WHERE ARE YOU IN YOUR DRAMA??? when the strongest storm ever known to our history of time is about to get worse.....